Wrinkle Cream Alternatives

We know that Caracol Cream is a bad product, we also know that people like choices. So we've put together a list of wrinkle cream alternatives and what we think about them, we only chose the products that have free trials so you can try before you buy. Our top pick for wrinkle cream is defiantly Amino Genesis, it has a proven track record and really delivers!

Our first Pick:Align Right
Amino Genesis

Amino Genesis Tripeptinon is a terrific product! We can't stop raving about it. Who could pass up a free trial of such a great product. We recommend checking out the home page to see more information about the "facelift in a capsule" you won't be dissapointed, we weren't.

1. ResVPro - Resveratrol Anti Aging

We really like this product as well. Not only does it reduce the effects of aging but it helps you lose weight, strengthens your heart, and helps prevents cancer.


2. GabaMed - Anti Wrinkle Treatment

This product works by relaxing you face muscles, rather than paralyzing them like the popular chemical Botox.


3. Cheryl Tiegs Unbelievable

We're glad Cheryl shared her "secret." Easy to use, a fine product.


4. iQ Derma Ageless

Not as effective as the other products on this page, but it did produce some results, and there is a free trial like the rest of the programs on this page. Maybe it will be the right match for you.

Better Skin Care Habits

One part about our bodies that is near impossible to hide is our skin. This is why a good system of skin care is so important. If one wishes to have healthy and younger skin, there are a few steps that you can follow to success.

  • If possible, avoid using tanning beds and laying out in the sun. I know it can be adicting to for one to get there sun fix, but it can be dangerous for your skin and also lead to early damaged skin.
  • Having healthy looking lips is important to most girls and guys. Don't slack off in the face department by having undesirable, dry lips.
  • Be careful with what soap products you use on your body. There are specifically made soaps that moisturize your body and not sacrificing the cleansing properties of soap.

How To Remove Wrinkles

For many women, wrinkles and fine lines are the bane of their lives. Looking into the mirror and seeing

a face filled with wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines can be very disheartening, but it's all a part of

growing old, right?

Well, yes and no. Of course, our skin will age as we grow older, but in this day and age we can take

steps to reduce the appearance of aging and facial wrinkles. Today, advances in knowledge and

technology have made it easier to delay the signs of aging and deal with skin that already looks aged.

Part One: Prevention of facial wrinkles

The easiest way to deal with wrinkles is to keep them at bay in the first place. An anti−aging skincare

routine is a must, as is a healthy lifestyle and plenty of relaxation. By taking the right precautions and

educating yourself on what can cause the premature onset of facial wrinkles and crows feet you will

find it far easier to keep your skin in top shape for longer. Below you will find five ways in which you

can help to keep the appearance of aging at bay:

1. Establish a skincare routine:

It is vital to establish a good skincare routine from an early age and stick to it. You should use a

cleaner, toner and moisturizer each morning and night in order to keep your skin clean and clear as

well as nourished. A good skin care routine will not only help your skin to retain moisture and elasticity,

but will also help to keep it feeling fresher and more rejuvenated.

Make sure that you get rid of all traces of make−up from your face, as the harmful chemicals in some

cosmetics can often damage the skin. Soap can dry out the delicate facial skin, so instead go for a

cleansing bar or a foaming facial wash. Once you have cleaned your face thoroughly, use a gentle

cleanser to wipe away trace of dirt, followed by a toner to refresh the skin and tighten the pores.

Finally, use a suitable moisturizer (depending on your skin type) to nourish and replenish the skin.

2. Use facial massage:

Facial massages are fast and simple to do at home, and can really help to keep elasticity in the skin

and keep wrinkles and fine lines at bay. A facial massage can help to get the blood flow and circulation

going in the facial area, which automatically stimulates the skin and helps to keep it renewed and

rejuvenated. Your skin will retain far more of its natural elasticity with regular massaging, which in turn

can help to slow down the signs of aging. You can carry out a ten minute massage as you moisturize

each night −− simply blend the cream into the skin by using firm upward motions from the throat up.

Once the cream has been absorbed into the skin, use circular motions over your face to really blend it

in and to get the circulation going.

3. Protect your skin:

The sun is one of the most dangerous environmental hazards when it comes to harming your skin. Not

only can regular, unprotected sun exposure result in premature and severe wrinkling and cracking of

skin, but it can also lead to more serious conditions such as skin cancer. Never go out into the sun

without either an SPF moisturizer or a sunscreen on. If you are planning to spend hours out in the sun,

then go for a suitable sunscreen; the higher the SPF (sun protection factor), the better. For everyday

use, where you are simply travelling to and from work, you can opt for a moisturizer that incorporates

UV protection.

Remember, the sun is at its worst during the middle of the day so you should keep yourself in the

shade during these times. Also, although the sun may not be as visible during the wintertime, the rays

can be just as harmful so you should take precautions all year round.

4. Assess your lifestyle:

The way you live your life can affect the condition of your skin. They say that your skin reflects the way

you are feeling internally, both physically and mentally. So, if you are feeling drained, tired, or stressed,

your skin will also reflect this through its condition and appearance. There are a number of lifestyle

changes you can make in order to help slow down the appearance of aging.

Smoking is a major culprit when it comes to the premature onset of wrinkles, and cigarettes can result

in deep wrinkling of the skin. By quitting smoking (or better still, never starting!) you will be doing your

skin a big favor when it comes to alleviating the worry of wrinkles. You will also be reducing the risk of

developing more serious conditions related to smoking, such as cancer or heart disease.

Diet is also another important factor, and by eating the right foods (those packed with minerals and

vitamins) and avoiding the wrong foods (fatty, rich foods) you can help to keep your body and your skin

nourished and replenished. Most importantly, you must drink plenty of water to keep your body and

your skin hydrated. Try and avoid excessive alcohol as this actually dries the skin out and will leave

you and your skin looking and feeling dehydrated.

5. Enjoy some relaxation:

Stress can also play a big part in the condition of your skin, and you can often find those in

high−powered jobs suffering from premature wrinkling and aging because of the stress levels often

involved in their work. Whatever type of job you do or however busy your life is, it is essential to get a

decent night's sleep and time out to relax your body and your mind. Again, this is connected to your

skin reflecting the way you feel inside. If you are feeling tired and stressed all the time, your skin will

reflect this, and it won't be long before the lines and facial wrinkles start to appear. Take time out for

yourself each day to relax and spend time focusing on yourself.

Part Two: Removal of facial wrinkles

Wrinkle removal procedures and products have become part of a multi−billion dollar industry. You can

now select from a number of options if you are looking to diminish or reduce wrinkles, fine lines, crows

feet, and deal with skin cell damage. Everybody wants to get their hands on a wrinkle cure, and in the

options listed below you will find suggestions for both short and long term wrinkle removal:

6. Home remedies:

Many people rely on home remedies when it comes to diminishing fine lines, wrinkles and crows feet.

For example, cucumber juice can be effective in alleviating age spot skin problems. Fresh Papaya juice

can remove dead and rough skin, and apple and pineapple juices can help to diminish fine lines,

wrinkles and cracked skin. These home remedies can prove effective and provide a cost effective way

to treat aging skin.

7. Wrinkle cream and anti−aging products:

In recent years, the nation's obsession with younger looking skin has resulted in the production and

marketing of many new ranges of anti−aging creams and facial products. These can be expensive, but

can also prove effective for many people. Advanced technology and scientific formulations have

enabled manufacturers to create skin creams and products that contain high levels of skin enhancing

vitamins, such as C and E, as well as anti−oxidants. There are a number of different extracts and

ingredients that can help with the elimination or reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and most

anti−wrinkle creams contain a combination of these.

8. Collagen injections:

Collagen can be used to fill out the skin in order to bring back normal skin and smooth out depressed

wrinkles. This is done by injecting the collagen under each wrinkle in order to push it or `fill it' outwards,

so that it plumps out and becomes level with the rest of your skin.

9. Acid skin peels / chemical peels:

Acid skin peels and chemical peels provide an effective but

sometimes painful method

of wrinkle

removal. You can get varying levels of peel depending on the acid or chemical used in the peel.

Nowadays, you can get skin−peeling products to use at home as well as those carried out in a medical

setting. It is advisable to consult your doctor before you try out any skin−peeling product at home. If you

plan to have a peel done in a surgical setting, a consultant or doctor can help you choose the best peel

based on your needs and level of wrinkling.

10. Dermabrasion:

This is a surgical procedure that can result in the moderate improvement of wrinkles and other skin

problems. This procedure entails the use of a motorized buffer that removes the superficial layer of

skin and brings fresher and tighter skin to the surface, thus helping to reduce existing wrinkles.

Are Antioxidants Good For Your Skin?

Although there is no conclusive proof that antioxidants keep skin from aging, many experts can state that help to shield our body from many different diseases. You want to consume many antioxidants to give your skin a great glow. Ph.D Susan Kleiner who specialises in nutrition, states that foods that contain antioxidants are key to having a healthy skin tone.

Kleiner further states following the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Guide Pyramid, and eat 3 to 5 servings of foods heavy with antioxidants and two to four servings of fruit each day. Choose at least one of citrus, as an orange, a tangerine or a grapefruit, vitamin C. If it is difficult to eat so many fruits and vegetables, start small and work your way up.

The healthier you eat, the younger your body an skin will appear. Orange and carrot juice is very efficient and is loaded with Vitamin C & E. "Do not be afraid to add a few tablespoons olive oil to your diet, or eat some nuts or seeds," advises Dr. Kleiner.

Here are some tips to load your body with antioxidants, if you follow these steps, you will be closer to having younger skin.
  • Vitamin C: RDA, at least 60 mg. (1 / 2 cup orange juice = 70 mg.) The citrus in tomatoes will keep your vitamin c up and various fruits will load your body with sources of fiber.
  • Vitamin E: RDA for women 8 mg / 10 mg. for men (1 tablespoon canola oil = 9 mg.) Eating a lot of nuts and fish such as salmon will keep your heart healthy and provide an excellent sources of Vitamin E. When cooking the fish, use olive oil instead of butter as a healthy alternative.